Gain Control of Genesys Changes

See what makes InProd a powerful Genesys Configuration Management Solution

Powerful Reporting

InProd has the ability to report on any configuration change within the Genesys config server. Instead of offering static tables of grid data that are difficult to interpret, InProd provides interactive reporting that can be filtered down to individual changes or objects, then refined into further for specific change details.

Audit History

Powerful search capabilities to find any change in the Genesys configuration. One click will open all details on an object that was changed. Select multiple changes to perform bulk actions on the objects, such as:

  • Adding changes to a change set
  • Reverting changes

Change Details

When looking at a Genesys configuration change, how do you want to see it? By highlighting the changed parameters? Or by highlighting the differences to the current state? Or without any highlighting at all. How about a comparison to another object, which may be in a different Genesys environment?

Reverting Changes

Undo any recorded change to any configuration object within the Genesys config server. Clearly visualize the impact of reverting a change.

  • Revert only changed parameters, preserving other changes
  • Revert back to point in time, restoring the complete object state


Configuration changes and other activities can be bundled into a changeset, that has the ability to move between environments. Changes can move between DevOps, UAT, and Production without repeating work.

  • Automate production deployments to save time and reduce risk
  • Keep none production environments in line with production
  • Enforce the change control process and report on exceptions
  • Reuse previous processes
Genesys Config Changeset API documentation

Extensive API

We believe in API’s and that is why every endpoint has been documented and exposed with, the leading Open Source API documentation tool. The InProd web interface is an HTML 5 application which consumes a RESTful JSON API. Every aspect of this API interface is available to be used, making any level of integration possible.