The InProd license reporting feature does not utilize Genesys Infomart for data collection. A direct connection to the Genesys Configuration Server is achieved via the existing inprod-aft component. For real time event data, a new component has been developed called the InProd Stat Server Connector (inprod-ssc).
inprod-ssc is an optional component that monitors agent’s events and periodically posts this data to inprod-bow in order to report on concurrent license types. This component can connect to a single Stat Servers or multiple if needed. Agents are discovered by their association with an agent group. For this reason, a list of agent groups to monitor must be supplied in the application configuration.
If there are agents within the contact center that are not members of any of the supplied agent groups they will be excluded from the reporting data. Duplicate memberships are expected and handled accordingly.
The statics used by inprod-ssc are custom defined and do not need to be configured directly on the Stat Server. The load generated on any Stat Server is minimal, only the login and log out events are monitored.
Like Aft, it is only necessary to have a single binary instance on the host file system.

This design allows InProd to support complicated architectures including multisite deployments. Like inprod-aft, inprod-ssc has been designed to behave like a traditional Genesys server component leveraging the Genesys management layer and Genesys High Availability functionality