InProd provides the Search functionality for Changesets. You can include search in the Update action, Delete action, Reference objects, Annex, Options, and in Structures.
The Search functionality provides different types of search.
For example, search for:
- Exact match
- Starts with
- Ends with
- Contains
- Regex
- Case sensitivity or insensitivity
In the Search, you can also include variables to search for different entities based on the environment. This article explains using the Path variable in Folder property to search for a specific folder.
Folder Path Search
It is difficult to quickly find a required folder. So, to locate a specific folder, you can create an action and add Folder property to it. In the property, specify the Path variable to locate a specific folder.
You can define the path as shown below:
[Tenant Name]/[Root Folder]/[Folder n+]
For example,

In this query, the action will locate the Core_components folder in the root folder Applications.
- Tenant Name: Environment
- Root Folder: Applications
- Optional Folder: Core components
DN Folder Path Search
DN folders are nested under the Switch object. Therefore, these DN folders are organized in different format.
You can define the path as shown below:
[Tenant Name]/[Switch Name]/[Root Folder]/[Folder n+]
For example,

In this query, the action will locate the Agent_Extensions folder inside switch and then inside the root folder DNs.
- Tenant Name: Environment
- Switch: SIP Switch
- Root Folder: DNs
- Sub Folder: Agent_Extensions