The InProd user interface is single page web application written in Ember.js which consumes a HTTP JSON RESTful API service provided by the inprod-bow component. In order to maximize customer integration possibilities, every API endpoint available to the frontend has been documented and exposed for client usage. This means that every feature of InProd is easily accessible for any client customized integrations.

The API documentation has been made available by the popular open source documentation framework which provides and an interactive interface to the API. This interface can be accessed via the address http[s]://[your InProd DNS name]/api/docs
Sample code is available that can be used in agent onboarding situations, where adding a new agent into Active Directory will trigger execution of an InProd Changeset to automatically create or update an agent within Genesys. See the following blog article.
There is a GitHub repo that provides a Python API example as to how the API can be called to execute a Changeset with a command line parameter to modify the Changeset behavior.
In a similar example, this is another GitHub repo that provides a basic web interface to front a single Changeset. The use case here is to allow non-technical staff the ability to execute changes within Genesys in a controlled and auditable manner on a simple self-documented web page with minimal effort.
The same API is used for the Ansible and Puppet modules that allow these CI/CD solutions to interface with InProd Changesets.